what is the main function of IR Publish

promote and highlight books; review books on this platform and get feedback from readers, share ideas.

How do I submit my manuscript to IR Publishing?

To submit your manuscript, please visit our website and contact us. We will guide you through the whole procedure.

What genres does IR Publishing accept?

We accept various genres, including fiction, non-fiction, memoirs, poetry, and more. Check our submission guidelines for specific genre preferences.

Publishing service

Intermediary to amazon kdp publishing and other marketing services like (your company).

What publishing packages do you offer?

We offer customized publishing packages tailored to your needs. Contact us for personalized package options.

How long does the publishing process take?

The timeline varies depending on the project’s complexity, but on average, the publishing process takes between 3 to 8 months from manuscript submission to book launch.

Do I retain rights to my book?

Yes, you retain full rights to your book. We operate on a non-exclusive publishing model, allowing you to maintain control over your work.

When my book is finally published with IR Publishing as its designated publisher how much percentage profit do I get

35% of sales.

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